Sciatica Leg Pain and Acupuncture: How Natural Therapy Provides Relief
Acupuncture for Restless Leg Syndrome
American College of Physicians Recommends Acupuncture & Massage
Acupuncture for Bell's Palsy
Acupuncture for Hot Flashes, Night Sweats in Menopause
Meet Our Licensed Massage Therapist
Referral Thank You Program
Acupuncture for Acne and Healthier Skin
Spring is Coming- Allergy Relief is Here!
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients May Lower Stroke Risk with Acupuncture
Compelling Evidence Shows Acupuncture Works for Chronic Pain
Treating veterans' PTSD with acupuncture
Modern Clinical Trial Proves Traditional Chinese Medicine Works
Cosmetic Acupuncture- Emma Shares her Experience
Study Shows Acupuncture Outperforms Drugs for Anxiety
A Cardiologist Explains Why Prescribing Acupuncture Helps
Acupuncture Highly Effective for Migraine Treatment
Now Offering Acupuncture Injection Therapy
Jade Star is proud to introduce you to our newest athlete, Bay Jenkins
TMJ Relief with Acupuncture