With Medical Marijuana and CBD products being such a big topic of conversation lately I thought it was important to talk about the benefits of CBD oils.
What is CBD?
CBD is one of at least 113 cannabinoids identified in cannabis. It is a major phytocannabinoid, accounting for up to 40% of the plant's extract. CBD does not appear to have any psychoactive effects (feeling high) such as those caused by (THC). Potential uses are the subject of ongoing research.
CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant, then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil.
Here are some proven benefits of CBD oils:
Relieves Pain and Inflammation
Reduces Anxiety
Can Help to Fight Cancer
Relieves Nausea
May Treat Seizures and Other Neurological Disorders
Lowers Incidence of Diabetes
Promotes Cardiovascular Health
As more research continues I am sure we will see even more proven benefits of CBD oil. If you decide to try CBD oils be sure you are purchasing a quality CBD oil that is made in the US. Many websites offer CBD oils that are made in ASIA and the quality of the CBD can not be determined.
At Jade Star we offer CBD oils and salve that are from SmokeOutSolutions their products are farmed and sourced from Colorado hemp farms because they are the most sophisticated and technologically advanced. For more information check out this great article: